Dr.Kumar Abhinav

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[Theoretical High Energy Physics]

Quantum Field Theory | PT-symmetric Systems | Integrable Deformations

E-mail: kumar.abh@mahidol.ac.th, gokuabhinav@gmail.com

B.Sc. First Class Hons. in Physics, Dibrugarh University (Jagannath Barooah College), India
M.Sc. First Class in Physics, Dibrugarh University, India
Ph.D. in Physics, IISER Kolkata, India



  • 2009-2015: Ph.D. in Quantum Field Theory from Indian Institute for Science Education and Research Kolkata, India. Supervisor: Dr. Prasanta K Panigrahi.
  • 2004-2005: MSc in Physics from Dibrugarh University, Assam, India.
  • 2000-2003: BSc in Physics (Hons.) from Jagannath Barooah College under Dibrugarh University, Assam, India.


Research Experience

I started with PT-symmetric quantum systems incorporating supersymmetric techniques and mean-field models for cold atoms. Then I worked in non-perturbative Topological Gauge theories, Extended Effective Gravity, and Effective Models of Fermion Conductivity.  Currently, I am studying Deformed Integrable Models and PT-symmetric Field Theories. My immediate research interests are:

  • Quantum corrections and anomalies in PT-symmetric systems
  • Gauge theories with topological terms
  • Deformed integrable models with localized solutions


Refereeing service

  • Annals of Physics
  • Classical and Quantum Gravity
  • Journal of Physics Communication



  1. “On quasi-integrable deformation scheme of the KdV system”, Kumar Abhinav and Partha Guha,  Sci. Rep. 15, 2402 (2025)
  2. “Quantizing a non-locally massive 2-form model”, K. Abhinav, Physics Letters B 857, 138992 (2024).
  3. APT-symmetric KdV Solutions and Their Algebraic Extension with Zero-Width Resonances”, K. Abhinav, A. Shukla and P. K. Panigrahi Scientific Reports  14, 15330 (2024).
  4. “Non-Holonomic and Quasi-Integrable Deformations of the AB Equations”, K. Abhinav, I. Mukherjee and P. Guha, Physica D : Nonlinear Phenomena 433, 133186 (2022).
  5. “Analysis and comparative study of non-holonomic and quasi-integrable deformations of the
    nonlinear Schrödinger equation”, K. Abhinav, P. Guha and I. Mukherjee, Nonlinear Dyn 99, 1179 (2020).
  6. “Study of quasi-integrable and non-holonomic deformation of equations in the NLS and DNLS hierarchy”, K. Abhinav, P. Guha and I. Mukherjee, Jour. Math. Phys. 59, 101507 (2018).
  7. “Bäcklund Transformation and Quasi-Integrable Deformation of Mixed Fermi-Pasta-Ulam and Frenkel-Kontorova Models”, K. Abhinav, A. Ghose Choudhury and P. Guha, Disc. Nonlin. Complex. 7, 31 (2018).
  8. “Inhomogeneous Heisenberg Spin Chain and Quantum Vortex Filament as Non-Holonomically Deformed NLS Systems”, K. Abhinav and P. Guha, Eur. Phys. J. B 91, 52 (2018).
  9. “Heisenberg Symmetry and Collective Modes of One Dimensional Unitary Correlated Fermions”, K. Abhinav, B. Chandrasekhar, V. M. Vyas and P. K. Panigrahi, Phys. Lett. A 381, 457 (2017).
  10. “Novel Symmetries in Weyl-invariant Gravity with Massive Gauge Field”, K. Abhinav, A. Shukla and P. K. Panigrahi, Eur. Phys. J. C 76, 639 (2016).
  11. “Quasi-Integrability in Supersymmetric Sine-Gordon Models”, K. Abhinav and P. Guha, EPL 116, 10004 (2016).
  12. “Conservation Law for Massive Scale-Invariant Photons in Weyl-Invariant Gravity”, A. Shukla, K. Abhinav and P. K. Panigrahi, Class. Quantum Grav. 33, 235008 (2016).
  13. “Quantum and Thermal Fluctuations and Pair-breaking in Planar QED”, K. Abhinav and P.
    K. Panigrahi, JHEP 2016, 032 (2016).
  14. “Solitons and Spin Transport in Graphene Boundary”, K. Abhinav, V. M. Vyas and P. K. Panigrahi, Pramana-journal of physics 85, 1023 (2015).
  15. “Conserved Correlation in PT-symmetric Systems: Scattering and Bound States”, K. Abhinav, A. Jayannavar and P. K. Panigrahi, Annals of Physics 331, 110 (2013).
  16. “Gapped solitons and periodic excitations in strongly coupled BECs ”, U. Roy, B. Shah, K. Abhinav and P. K. Panigrahi, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 44, 035302 (2011).
  17. “Comment on ‘Comment on Supersymmetry, PT-symmetry and spectral bifurcation’ ”, K. Abhinav and P. K. Panigrahi, Annals of Physics 326, 538 (2011).
  18. “Supersymmetry, PT-symmetry and Spectral Bifurcation”, K. Abhinav and P. K. Panigrahi, Annals of Physics 325, 1198 (2010).

Online tabulations: iNSPIRE-hep, arXiv, Google Scholar

Further details can be found in my CV.