Dr. Pradeep Bhadola

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[Physics of Complex Systems, Computational  Physics]
Email: pradeep.bha@mahidol.ac.thbhadola_pradeep@yahoo.co.in
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Research Interest:
Complex System and Networks,
Computational Physics and  Data Science,
Application of Statistical Mechanics and Machine Learning to biology,
economics and finance.


  • Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Physics,  (2016)
    Department of Physics & Astrophysics, University of Delhi, Delhi, India.
  • Master of Science (Hons.) Physics, (2008)
    Department of Physics & Astrophysics, University of Delhi, Delhi, India.
  •  Bachelor of Science (Hons.) Physics, (2006)
    Atma Ram Sanatan Dharma College, University of Delhi, Delhi, India.


  1. Structure combinatorics and thermodynamics of a  matrix model with Penner Interaction Inspired by Interacting RNA,
    Pradeep Bhadola, Itty Garg, and Nivedita Deo
    Nuclear Physics B, Vol. 870, 384-396 (2013).
  2. Genus distribution and thermodynamics of random matrix model of RNA with Penner interaction,
    Pradeep Bhadola and Nivedita Deo
    Physical Review E. 88, 032706 (2013).
  3. Study of RNA structures with a connection to random matrix theory,
    Pradeep Bhadola and Nivedita Deo
    Chaos Solitons & Fractals, 81, 542-550 (2015).
  4. Matrix Model with Penner interaction inspired by interacting RNA,
    Pradeep Bhadola and Nivedita Deo
    Pramana 84(2), 295 − 308 (2015).
  5. Targeting functional motifs of a protein family,
    Pradeep Bhadola and Nivedita Deo
    Physical Review E., 94(4), 042409 (2016).
  6. Physiochemical property based approach for protein sequence analysis,
    Pradeep Bhadola and Nivedita Deo
    Journal of Physics: Conf. Series, 1144 (1), 012083
  7. Spectral analysis of financial threshold networks,
    Pradeep Bhadola, S. Saichaemchan, and N. Deo
    Indian Academy of Sciences Conf. Series 3:1 (2020).
  8. Analysis and dynamics of the international coffee
    trade network,
    O. Sujaritpong, S. Yoo-Kong, and Pradeep Bhadola
    Journal of Physics: Conf. Series, 1719 (1), 012106 (2021).
  9. Evolution, structure, and dynamics of the Thai  stock market: A network perspective,
    S. Saichaemchan and Pradeep Bhadola
    Journal of Physics: Conf. Series, 1719 (1), 012105 (2021).
  10. Explainable natural language processing with matrix product states,
    J. Tangpanitanon, C. Mangkang, P. Bhadola, Y.
    Minato, D. Angelakis, T. Chotibut
    New Journal of Physics 24 (5), 053032 (2022),
  11. Random Matrix Analysis of Protein Families
    R. Kumari, N. Deo, and Pradeep Bhadola
    ECS Transactions 107 (1), 18877 (2022).
  12. Statistical analysis of simple sequence repeats in genome sequence: A case of Acheta domesticus (Orthoptera: Gryllidae),
    S Homchan, Pradeep Bhadola, and Y Gupta
    ECS Transactions 107 (1), 14799 (2022).
  13. Analysis of microenvironment data using low-cost portable data logger based on a microcontroller
    Pradeep Bhadola, Y. M. Gupta, A. Kongbangkerd, B. Kunakhonnuruk
    ECS Transactions 107 (1), 15099, (2022).
  14. Classifying DNA barcode sequences of four Orthoptera orders of insects using Tensor Network,
    Yash M Gupta and Pradeep Bhadola
    Accepted in Agriculture and Natural Resources, ANRES (2022).
  15. Assessing temporal correlation in environmental risk factors to design efficient area-specific COVID-19 regulations: Delhi based case study
    Vishal Chaudhary (U. of Delhi, India), Pradeep Bhadola (NAS Mahidol U.) Ajeet Kaushik  (Florida Polytechnic U., USA),  Mohammad Khalid (Sunway U., Malaysia) , Hidemitsu Furukawa (Yamagata U., Japan), Ajit Khosla (Xidian U., China)
    Scientific Reports 12, 12949 (2022) (Q1)
  16. Progress in engineering interlayer space modulated MXenes to architect next-generation airborne pollutant sensors
    V Chaudhary (U. of Delhi, India), HTA Awan (Sunway U., Malaysia), M Khalid (Sunway U., Malaysia), Pradeep Bhadola (NAS Mahidol U.), R Tandon (U. of Delhi, India), A Khosla (Xidian U., China).
    Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 133225, (2022)   (Q1)
  17. A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis to Avert Rabies Deaths in School-Aged Children in India
    A Royal ( Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia), D John (Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences, India), O Bharti (Department of Health & Family Welfare, Government of Himachal Pradesh ), R Tanwar (Directorate of Health Services, Government of Madhya Pradesh) , DK Bhagat (JNU, Delhi India), RS Padmawati ( Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia), V Chaudhary (U. of Delhi, India),  R Umapathi ( Inha University, Korea) , Pradeep Bhadola (NAS Mahidol U.), A Utarini ( Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia)
    Vaccines 11 (1), 88, (2022)   (Q1)


  1. Advancements in MXenes
    Vishal Chaudhary (U. of Delhi, India), Akash Sharma (Shoolini U., India ,, Pradeep Bhadola (NAS Mahidol U.),, Ajeet Kaushik (Florida Polytechnic University),
    In Fundamental Aspects and Perspectives of MXenes (pp. 301-324). Springer, Cham.
    Published Date:  7 June 2022
  2. Spectral & network method in Financial Time series analysis: a study on stock & currency Market,
    Pradeep Bhadola  and Nivedita Deo
    Network Theory and Agent-Based Modeling in Economics and Finance, Springer, Singapore. (2019).
  3. Evolution and dynamics of the currency network,
    Pradeep Bhadola and Nivedita Deo,
    New Perspectives and Challenges in Econophysics and Sociophysics, Springer, Cham (2019).
  4. Extreme eigenvector analysis of global financial
    correlation matrices,
    Pradeep Bhadola,  and Nivedita Deo,
    Econophysics and Sociophysics: Recent Progress and Future Directions (2017).


  • Workshop on Machine Learning with Python, 7-8 March 2020, The Institute for Fundamental Study, Naresuan University, Phitsanulok, Thailand.
  • Member of Organizing Committee (Delhi University) A joint International conference Econophys-2017 & Asia Pacific Econophysics Conference (APEC)-2017 November 15 – 18, 2017 Jawaharlal Nehru University/ Delhi University, New Delhi, INDIA.
  • Member of Organizing Committee (Delhi University) of ECONOPHYS-2015 International Workshop on ”Econophysics and Sociophysics November 27- December 1,  2015,  New Delhi,  Jawaharlal Nehru University / Delhi University, India.
  • Member of Organizing Committee (Delhi University) Exploring an Interface between Economics and Physics, 6-7 November 2012, Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Delhi, Delhi, India.
  • Member of Organizing Committee (Delhi University) 3rd Introductory Computational Tool Workshop, 29-31 October 2012, Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Delhi, Delhi, India.


For further details refer to CV